We believe that by empowering TEACHERS to implement their ideas, we spark change and generate more impact for students..

Purpose. Implementation. Joy. 

Our team works with schools, districts, and organizations to co-design experiences and opportunities to best invest in the strengths of our educators.

Our Work

  • Teacher Empowerment Incubator & Microgrant Program

    The Teacher Empowerment Incubator & Microgrant Program will bring together a cohort of 15-20 teachers/year from across North Dakota. Armed with ideas to improve teaching and learning, we will empower them to act as catalysts for change by cultivating the skills needed to respond to educational challenges and providing them with $500-2000 micro “Spark” grants to design and pilot localized, place-based solutions. By tapping into teachers’ desire to make an impact and providing the training, support, and resources to propel their ideas, we can reimagine what schools can be and reinvigorate the teaching profession.

  • The Joy Lab

    The Joy Lab is the perfect place to reconnect with your purpose, revive your teacher joy, and knock out a few items from your back-to-school to-do list.

    This practical, applicable PD provides a whole day of focused designing, planning, and prepping while rekindling your passion for teaching. Come solo or with a team to tackle a shared goal! Get ready to engage in interactive workshops, inspiring talks, and exciting activities that will leave you feeling energized and uplifted.

Meet Darcy

Darcy is the Founder of The Educators' Lab USA and a board member for The Educators’ Lab Global . After more than a decade in the classroom teaching English and theatre, Darcy now creates the type of PD she always wanted, driving change in education and empowering teachers as changemakers. Through her work, teachers reconnect with their purpose, rekindle their spark for teaching, and reignite the JOY of teaching and learning. She specializes in professional development design and implementation, interactive strategies for the classroom, meaningful tech integration, and building relationships with students. Darcy holds a Master’s of Secondary Education, is an ISTE Certified Educator, an experienced international presenter, and believer in the power of education. She lives in Fargo, ND with her husband Jeff, and toddler triplets, Kurt, Ben, and Cora.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Implementation of Professional Learning Inspiration

  • Joyful Teaching (& Learning)

  • Purpose-Drive Self-Care

  • Interactive Teaching Strategies

  • Professional Learning Course Design

  • Building Better Book Clubs

  • Meaningful Media & Technology Integration