How a New Question Drove Innovation in my Course Reinvention
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How a New Question Drove Innovation in my Course Reinvention

Switching from in-person to remote learning has been an incredible challenge on so many fronts. First, is the tech. If we weren't using it before, we are definitely using it now. Second, is the engagement. If it wasn't good in person, it'll be worse via Zoom. Third is the curriculum, it was built for in-person delivery and now it has to be delivered online. Fortunately, we've had some time to not only get used to virtual, but also embrace it a little. However, that doesn't mean it's all good. I had to make the switch to remote teaching back in March 2020 and that was very hard in the middle of the semester. But then I had the summer to reflect, reimagine, and reinvent my approach.

It was time to figure out how to teach online or how to deliver my plan via video or the internet. However, every time I thought of a way to put my teaching plan online, I felt the quality of the experience would suffer.

As I got back to work, I remembered something my coach always tells me.

WHAT and WHY I want something is more important than the HOW

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